WCTSMA History


The Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association (WCTSMA) started in 1994 under the name Washington Association of Secondary Schools Vocational Sports Medicine Programs (WASSVSMP) as a way for students in Sports Medicine programs in the State of Washington to meet, explore leadership, and compete in an annual spring competition.  In 1998 the name was changed to Washington Vocational Sports Medicine Association (WVSMA) and in 2010 was changed to its current name to recognize the Career and Technical program through the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
The first seminar/competition was held in Yakima 1994. The following years the spring competition moved around the state to numerous high school sites with each of the instructors being the competition host and adding their own touches to the program.  This allowed students and instructors to help with the event, show off their program, school, and community.  Currently, the spring symposium and competition has grown so large that it has needed to be moved into a convention center atmosphere for excess room and time to host all of the events.

There have been a few major changes the association has undergone since its inception in 1994.  Some of these were necessary for business purposes while others were the brainstorms of instructors and students.  Some of the biggest changes were:

1997-Board of Directors was voted in for the first time. (Patrick Olsen-President,  Matt Brennan-Vice President, Bonnie Smith-Secretary, Chris Franklin-Treasurer)

1998-Non-profit status established, name changed to WVSMA, sponsor added Summit Sportsmedicine, and a strategic plan put in place.  It was at this time and through other sponsorships and donations that the WVSMA was able to give scholarships to students in all programs.  Initially around $1,000 was given in scholarships and currently $1,800 is now being dispersed to students continuing on in their educations.

1999-Team from Midwest City, OK came to compete and students from South  Kitsap High School went to Oklahoma on a student exchange.  Since this time, there have been numerous teams come to the spring symposium from California,  New York, Texas, Arizona, Oregon, and Idaho.

2000-Students and instructors organized and started a Winter Leadership seminar that still continues to this day. This gives students time to develop leadership skills and to interact with other students in a friendly environment.

2007-The WVSMA was recognized by the Washington Association of Career  and Technical Education Association (WACTE-WA) and the Office of  Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) as an approved Career and  Technical Student Organization (CTSO).

2007-Student advisory board was installed and a President was elected.  This  board serves as advisors to the BOD’s and has since started a Summer  Leadership meeting, worked with changes to the spring symposium schedule,  changed awards given to winners at the spring competition, and started a Facebook page for student member updates.

2009-The spring symposium was held completely out of the school environment at a hotel in Redmond.  Since this time the competition has continued to be held at convention center/hotel sites.  At this meeting the BOD was changed to having an instructor in charge of student leadership and became a voting BOD member.
2011-Include new testing format and tests including Resume/Interview, Medical  Terminology, Anatomy/Physiology and Sports Medicine.

The WCTSMA continues to work with the WSATA (Washington State Athletic Training Association), WIAA (Washington interscholastic athletic association), OSPI, WA-ACTE, and other groups to help advocate coverage at high school athletic contests, help plan educational opportunities for students, develop educational frameworks and competencies for classroom instruction, help to facilitate athletic trainers within the high school environment, and provide input making athletics safer for secondary schools.
Though the look and name changed, the intent has stayed the same. Our priority is to give students and instructor’s time to learn leadership skills, meet and talk with others from around the state, and have a friendly competition for students.  Combining the spring competition with the winter and summer leadership opportunities gives our students and instructors many opportunities to learn, lead, and have experiences that direct and shape their lives.